There isn't a single credit card that is perfect for every individual so before you apply think about how you'll use the card:
Are you looking for a card to spend on and if so will you be able to clear your balance in full each month? Maybe you've already got an outstanding debt on another card and are looking to make a balance transfer, but do you want to spend on the card as well? These are all vital questions which will help identify the best card for your needs.

Top tips

If at all possible, try and pay more than the minimum - otherwise it could take years to clear your debt.
It's a good idea to pay by direct debit - that way you will always pay on time and avoid incurring a late payment fee.
It may be tempting, but try not to use a credit card to withdraw cash from an ATM - you'll probably be charged a higher rate of interest than on purchases and be charged a withdrawal fee.
Keep an eye on your spending and make sure you stick within your agreed credit limit.
It's well worth using a credit card for purchases of £100 or more because you have greater protection than if you pay with cash or a debit card. Under Section 75 of the 1974 Consumer Credit Act credit card issuers and retailers take joint responsibility for faulty purchases. This applies to purchases between £100 and £30,000. If the retailer goes bust or the goods are faulty when they arrive you can claim a refund from the card provider.



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